npm install reactivus
# or
yarn add reactivus
Import the Button component like this:
import { Button } from 'reactivus';
Basic Usage
To display a simple button with a text on it, use the label prop.
<Button label="Submit" />
To change the styles, use the color prop.
<Button label="Success Button" color="success" />
<Button label="Danger Button" color="danger" />
<Button label="Warning Button" color="warning" />
<Button label="Info Button" color="info" />
<Button label="Dark Button" color="dark" />
To display icons inside your buttons, use the icon and the iconPosition props.
The iconPosition prop accepts both left and right options.
<Button label="Success Button" color="success" icon={<PlusSvg />} iconPosition="left" />
<Button label="Danger Button" color="danger" icon={<PlusSvg />} iconPosition="left" />
<Button label="Warning Button" color="warning" icon={<PlusSvg />} iconPosition="left" />
<Button label="Info Button" color="info" icon="+" iconPosition="right" />
<Button label="Dark Button" color="dark" icon="+" iconPosition="right" />
<Button color="success" icon={<PlusSvg />} />
<Button color="danger" icon={<PlusSvg />} />
<Button color="warning" icon={<PlusSvg />} />
<Button color="info" icon={"+"} />
<Button color="dark" icon={"+"} />
To display small messages in your buttons, use the tooltip and tooltipPosition props.
<Button label="Success Button" color="success" shadow tooltip="Tooltip message at success button" tooltipPosition="top" />
<Button label="Danger Button" color="danger" shadow tooltip="Tooltip message at danger button" tooltipPosition="right" />
<Button label="Warning Button" color="warning" shadow tooltip="Tooltip message at warning button" tooltipPosition="left" />
<Button label="Info Button" color="info" shadow tooltip="Tooltip message at info button" tooltipPosition="bottom" />
<Button label="Dark Button" color="dark" shadow tooltip="Tooltip message at dark button" tooltipPosition="top" />
To display rounded buttons, use the rounded prop.
<Button label="Success Button" color="success" rounded />
<Button label="Danger Button" color="danger" rounded />
<Button label="Warning Button" color="warning" rounded />
<Button label="Info Button" color="info" rounded />
<Button label="Dark Button" color="dark" rounded />
<Button color="success" icon={<PlusSvg />} rounded />
<Button color="danger" icon={<PlusSvg />} rounded />
<Button color="warning" icon={<PlusSvg />} rounded />
<Button color="info" icon={"+"} rounded />
<Button color="dark" icon={"+"} rounded />
To display buttons as textual elements, use the text prop.
<Button label="Success Button" color="success" text />
<Button label="Danger Button" color="danger" text />
<Button label="Warning Button" color="warning" text />
<Button label="Info Button" color="info" text rounded />
<Button label="Dark Button" color="dark" text rounded />
<Button color="success" text rounded icon={<PlusSvg />} />
<Button color="danger" text rounded icon={<PlusSvg />} />
<Button color="warning" text rounded icon={<PlusSvg />} />
<Button color="info" text icon={<PlusSvg />} />
<Button color="dark" text icon={<PlusSvg />} />
You can display buttons with predefined shadow, use the shadow prop.
<Button label="Success Button" color="success" text shadow />
<Button label="Danger Button" color="danger" text shadow />
<Button label="Warning Button" color="warning" text shadow />
<Button label="Info Button" color="info" text rounded shadow />
<Button label="Dark Button" color="dark" text rounded shadow />
<Button color="success" text rounded icon={<PlusSvg />} shadow />
<Button color="danger" text rounded icon={<PlusSvg />} shadow />
<Button color="warning" text rounded icon={<PlusSvg />} shadow />
<Button color="info" text icon={<PlusSvg />} shadow />
<Button color="dark" text icon={<PlusSvg />} shadow />
To set a laoding status, use the loading prop.
<Button label="Success Button" color="success" loading iconPosition="right"/>
<Button label="Danger Button" color="danger" loading iconPosition="right" />
<Button color="warning" icon={<PlusSvg />} loading/>
<Button label="Info Button" color="info" loading iconPosition="right" text shadow />
<Button label="Dark Button" color="dark" loading iconPosition="right" />
To disable the button, use the disabled prop.
<Button label="Success Button" color="success" disabled />
<Button label="Danger Button" color="danger" disabled />
<Button label="Warning Button" color="warning" disabled />
<Button label="Info Button" color="info" disabled />
<Button label="Dark Button" color="dark" disabled />
Import the dialog method like this:
import { dialog } from 'reactivus';
Basic Usage
To show a simple dialog with a text title on it, use the show method together with the title prop.{
title: "This dialog is working!",
To display a text under the dialog title, use the text prop.{
title: "This dialog is working!",
text: "Have u installed Reactivus already?",
To display a icon above, use the icon prop.
The icon options are success, danger, warning, info and question{
icon: "success",
title: "Success icon example",
icon: "danger",
title: "Danger icon example",
icon: "warning",
title: "Warning icon example",
icon: "information",
title: "Info icon example",
icon: "question",
title: "Question icon example",
To display a JSX element, use the htmlx prop.{
icon: "success",
title: "Good job ;)",
htmlx: (
<Container gap="10px">
<Button label="Submit" color="success" />
<Button label="Cancel" color="danger" />
To display the dialog in a specific position, use the position prop.{
icon: "success",
title: "Good job ;)",
text: "The default position property is 'center'",
position: "top-left",
htmlx: (
<Container flexDirection="column">
The dialog is a promise with 3 possible return values such as isConfirmed, isCanceled and isAborted.
The isConfirmed value is returned when clicking in the confirm button.
The isCanceled value is returned when clicking in the cancel button.
The isAborted value is returned when clicking outside the dialog or in the close button.
icon: "question",
title: "Check the return values?",
confirmButtonText: "Yes, check it out!",
showCancelButton: true,
cancelButtonText: "No, leave...",
.then((res) => {
if (res.isConfirmed) {
toast.success("You confirmed the action!");
} else if (res.isCanceled) {
toast.error("You canceled the action!");
} else if (res.isAborted) {
toast.warn("You aborted the action!");
Import both Toast and ToastContainer components like this:
import { toast } from 'reactivus';
Basic Usage
To display a simple info toast with a message, use the info method.
Obs.: You need to place the ToastContainer component at your root layout file.
<ToastContainer closeOnClick position="top-right" autoClose={5000} pauseOnHover />
<Button label="Toast" onClick={() =>"This is an info toast!") } />
Toast Types
You can choose between the following toast types:
<Button label="Error Toast" color="danger" onClick={() => toast.error("This is an danger toast!")} />
<Button label="Success Toast" color="success" onClick={() => toast.success("This is a success toast!")} />
<Button label="Info Toast" color="info" onClick={() =>"This is a info toast!")} />
<Button label="Warn Toast" color="warning" onClick={() => toast.warn("This is a warning toast!")} />
Import Accordion component like this:
import { Accordion } from 'reactivus';
Basic Usage
To display a simple accordion with a text inside you can do something like this:
Obs.: The title prop is mandatory.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
<Accordion title={"Lorem Ipsum Sample Text"}>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do
eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut
enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris
nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in
reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat
nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident,
sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Keep it open
You can keep your Accordion opened with the alwaysOpen prop:
This Accordion Will Never Close
<Accordion title={"Lorem Ipsum Sample Text"} alwaysOpen>
This <b>Accordion</b> Will Never Close
Manually Control It
You can manually control the Accordion with your own React States using the isOpenControl and setIsOpenControl props like this:
const [openAccordion, setIsOpenAccordion] = useState<boolean>(true);
title={"Accordion with manual control"}
<Button label="Close Accordion" color="danger" onClick={() => setIsOpenAccordion(false)}/>
Import Tag component like this:
import { Tag } from 'reactivus';
To change the color, use the color prop.
<Tag label="Success Tag" color="success" />
<Tag label="Danger Tag" color="danger" />
<Tag label="Warning Tag" color="warning" />
<Tag label="Info Tag" color="info" />
<Tag label="Dark Tag" color="dark" />
Make it rounded with the rounded prop.
<Tag label="Success Tag" color="success" rounded />
<Tag label="Danger Tag" color="danger" rounded />
<Tag label="Warning Tag" color="warning" rounded />
<Tag label="Info Tag" color="info" rounded />
<Tag label="Dark Tag" color="dark" rounded />
Text Mode
Use it in text mode with the text prop.
<Tag label="Success Tag" color="success" text />
<Tag label="Danger Tag" color="danger" text />
<Tag label="Warning Tag" color="warning" text />
<Tag label="Info Tag" color="info" text />
<Tag label="Dark Tag" color="dark" text />
If u want, use the border option.
<Tag label="Success Tag" color="success" text border />
<Tag label="Danger Tag" color="danger" text border />
<Tag label="Warning Tag" color="warning" text border />
<Tag label="Info Tag" color="info" text border />
<Tag label="Dark Tag" color="dark" text border />
Define icons to be displayed inside the tag component like this:
<Tag label="Success Tag" color="success" text icon={<FaCheck />} />
<Tag label="Danger Tag" color="danger" text icon={<MdCancel />} />
<Tag label="Warning Tag" color="warning" text icon={<IoIosWarning />} />
<Tag label="Info Tag" color="info" text icon={<FaInfoCircle />} />
<Tag label="Dark Tag" color="dark" text icon={<FaMoon />} />
Change the icon position like this:
<Tag label="Success Tag" color="success" text icon={<FaCheck />} iconPosition="left" />
<Tag label="Danger Tag" color="danger" text icon={<MdCancel />} iconPosition="right" />
<Tag label="Warning Tag" color="warning" text icon={<IoIosWarning />} iconPosition="left" />
<Tag label="Info Tag" color="info" text icon={<FaInfoCircle />} iconPosition="right" />
<Tag label="Dark Tag" color="dark" text icon={<FaMoon />} iconPosition="left" />
Import Input component like this:
import { Input } from 'reactivus';
Input Types
The Input types are text, number, date and password.
<Input type="text" label="Text" placeholder="text"/>
<Input type="number" label="Number" placeholder="number"/>
<Input type="date" label="Date" placeholder="date"/>
<Input type="password" label="Password" placeholder="password"/>
Value Control
Control the values either with React state or ref.
<Input type="text" label="State Controled" placeholder="text" value={inputText}
onChange={() => {
}} />
<Input type="text" label="Ref Controled" placeholder="text" inputRef={inputTextRef} />
Define custom icons using the icon prop.
<Input type="text" label="Search User" placeholder="text" icon={<FaAddressCard />} />
Icon Position
Change the icon position using the iconPosition prop.
<Input type="text" label="Search User" placeholder="text" icon={<FaAddressCard />} iconPosition="right" />
Icon Position
Define an action to the icon using the iconAction prop.
<Input type="text" label="Search User" placeholder="text"
icon={<FaAddressCard />} iconPosition="right"
iconAction={() => toast.success("Action dispatched")} />
Define a description to be displayed using the description prop.
<Input type="text" label="Search User" placeholder="text"
icon={<FaAddressCard />} iconPosition="right"
description="This is a sample description" />
Description Color
Define a description to be displayed using the description prop.
<Input type="text" label="Search User" placeholder="text"
icon={<FaAddressCard />} iconPosition="right"
description="Success description" descriptionColor="success" />
<Input type="text" label="Search User" placeholder="text"
icon={<FaAddressCard />} iconPosition="right"
description="Danger description" descriptionColor="danger" />
<Input type="text" label="Search User" placeholder="text"
icon={<FaAddressCard />} iconPosition="right"
description="Info description" descriptionColor="info" />
<Input type="text" label="Search User" placeholder="text"
icon={<FaAddressCard />} iconPosition="right"
description="Warning description" descriptionColor="warning" />
Import Progress component like this:
import { Progress } from 'reactivus';
<Progress percentage={70} color={"success"} width="100px"label="70%" labelPosition="left"/>
<Progress percentage={40} color={"danger"} width="100px" rounded label="40%"/>
Import Switch component like this:
import { Switch } from 'reactivus';
<Switch label="Switch" />
Active Color
To change the active color, use the activeColor prop.
<Switch label="Switch" activeColor="#cb2a29" />
Import Select component like this:
import { Select } from 'reactivus';
const statesStringArray = [
"Minas Gerais",
"São Paulo",
"Rio de Janeiro",
"Distrito Federal",
placeholder="Select a state"
const citiesObjectArray = [
name: "Belo Horizonte",
code: "BH",
name: "São Paulo",
code: "SP",
name: "Rio de Janeiro",
code: "RJ",
name: "Brasília",
code: "BSB",
placeholder="Select a city"
To enable the filter, use the filter prop. Set the filter settings using the filterBy prop.
placeholder="Select a city"
filterPlaceHolder="Search city"
Multi Select
To enable multiple selection use the multiSelect prop. Together with a value and an onChange call.
When multiSelect is enabled, e.value becomes an array.
interface City {
name: string;
code: string;
const citiesObjectArray = [
name: "Belo Horizonte",
code: "BH",
name: "São Paulo",
code: "SP",
name: "Rio de Janeiro",
code: "RJ",
name: "Brasília",
code: "BSB",
const [selectedCity, setSelectedCity] = useState<City[]>([citiesObjectArray[0]]);
placeholder="Select a city"
filterPlaceHolder="Search city"
onChange={(e) => setSelectedCity(e.value)}
Select All
If the multiSelect prop is enabled, you can use the selectAll prop to enable an option to select all the options at once.
interface City {
name: string;
code: string;
const citiesObjectArray = [
name: "Belo Horizonte",
code: "BH",
name: "São Paulo",
code: "SP",
name: "Rio de Janeiro",
code: "RJ",
name: "Brasília",
code: "BSB",
const [selectedCity, setSelectedCity] = useState<City[]>([citiesObjectArray[0]]);
placeholder="Select a city"
filterPlaceHolder="Search city"
onChange={(e) => setSelectedCity(e.value)}
You can use the optionTemplate to define a custom way to render the options.
interface City {
name: string;
code: string;
const citiesObjectArray = [
name: "Belo Horizonte",
code: "BH",
name: "São Paulo",
code: "SP",
name: "Rio de Janeiro",
code: "RJ",
name: "Brasília",
code: "BSB",
const [selectedCity, setSelectedCity] = useState<City[]>([citiesObjectArray[0]]);
placeholder="Select a city"
filterPlaceHolder="Search city"
onChange={(e) => setSelectedCity(e.value)}
optionTemplate={(city: City) => {
return <div>[{city.code}] {}</div>
Theming classes
Edit classes as you like to customize the components:
/* Defines global styles for itens with shadows applied */
.r-box-shadow {
box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05) 0px 0px 0px 1px;
/* Defines global styles for itens on focus or selected */
.r-item-selected {
color: #0c63e4;
background-color: #0c63e410;
.r-item-selected:hover {
color: #0a5ad2;
background-color: #0a5ad220;
box-shadow: #0a5ad290 0px 0px 0px 1px !important;
/* Defines global styles for the background color of the input switch when it's active */
.r-switch-active {
background-color: #3f7d54;
/* This is a example of classes that should be used to create a custom color pallette for the tag component*/
/* Change the parameters as u like */
.r-tag-custom {
background-color: #3f7d54;
.r-tag-custom:hover {
background-color: #056639;
.r-tag-text-custom {
color: #3f7d54;
background-color: #3f7d5420;
.r-tag-text-custom:hover {
background-color: #3f7d5440;
.r-tag-text-custom-border {
border: 1.5px solid #3f7d5440;
/* These status classes are used throughout the lib*/
.r-status-success {
color: #3f7d54;
.r-status-danger {
color: #cb2a29;
.r-status-info {
color: #2e86c1;
.r-status-warning {
color: #ffa500;